
IOC Athlete Learning Gateway
IOC Athlete Learning Gateway Browse and access various courses that cover sports nutrition, sports science, sports coaching and many more. Link to resource

Let’s Play Together
Let’s Play Together The objective of this resource guide is to offer suggestions on inclusive games that can be implemented for all participants, regardless of their abilities or level of functioning. This guide offers practical ideas on modifications that can be made according to each participant’s level of Functioning. Through

Tiger Balm WeheartBoccia Training Kit
Tiger Balm WeHeartBoccia Training Kit A fun and simple guide to conduct inclusive Boccia for all. This guide intends to inspire and motivate everyone with all abilities to come together and play boccia. The objective of this resource guide offers basic knowledge about boccia. In this guide, you will learn

Sport specific workout feat. Yip Pin Xiu
Sport specific workout feat. Yip Pin Xiu Demonstrates stretching exercises for swimming. Link to Youtube video

Sport specific workout feat. Mohamad Ismail Hussain
Sport specific workout feat. Mohamad Ismail Hussain Demonstrates stretching exercises for bowling. Link to Youtube video

General workout feat. Nur Syahidah Alim
General workout feat. Nur Syahidah Alim Demonstrates simple exercises for stability & coordination. Link to Youtube video

7 easy tips for better well-being
7 easy tips for better well-being If you or your loved ones feel overwhelmed, do seek professional help. Call Talk2Us Helpline* (1800-8255-287) to speak to someone. *Helpline is available on weekdays, from 8:30am to 5pm. Rest assured that your identity will be kept confidential. Source: HealthHub Link to resource

How Many Hours of Sleep Do You Get?
How Many Hours of Sleep Do You Get? Having trouble overcoming insomnia? There might be a reason for this. Here are 11 habits to adopt for a better rest. Source: HealthHub Link to Resource

Do You Feel Thirsty
Do You Feel Thirsty The importance of staying hydrated and drink sufficient water cannot be emphasised more. Source: HealthHub Link to resource