
Ordinary Members

Association for Persons with Special Needs
Bowling Association for the Disabled (Singapore)
Cerebral Palsy Alliance Singapore
Deaf Sports Association (Singapore)
Down Syndrome Association – Singapore
Lawn Bowls Association for the Disabled (Singapore)
Metta Welfare Association
Movement for Intellectually Disabled of Singapore
Muscular Dystrophy Association (Singapore)
Singapore Association of the Visually Handicapped
Singapore Red Cross Society
Table Tennis Association for the Disabled (Singapore)

Become a Member!

Join us and be a part of the disability sports community in Singapore

Associate Members

Equestrian Federation of Singapore
Fencing Singapore
Goalball Singapore
Para Athletics (Singapore)
Para-Cycling Federation of Singapore
Riding for the Disabled Association of Singapore
Singapore Association for the Deaf
TOUCH Community Services
Wheelchair Basketball Association
Wheelchair Tennis Association (Singapore)

Become a Member!

Join us and be a part of the disability sports community in Singapore

Become a Member

Who can be a member

  • Ordinary Members: Ordinary Members shall be entities registered in Singapore with the Registry of Societies (ROS) or the Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA), Institutions of Higher Learning (IHL), Government Agencies and Statutory Boards that are willing to observe the rules and regulations of SDSC. In order to be eligible for this, interested parties have to meet all membership assessments as listed under Annex A
  • Associate Members: Associate Members shall be organisations, clubs, institutions, schools, academies and para sport teams that are willing to observe the rules and regulations of SDSC but are not eligible for
    Ordinary Membership.
  • Individual Members: An Individual Member shall be any person above twelve (12) years of age, who is willing to observe the rules and regulations of SDSC. Applicants who are below eighteen (18) years of age must have the written consent of their parent or guardian.

How to become a member

  • To become a member, kindly complete the form and send it to
  • All application forms must be accompanied by proof of membership fee payment made via bank transfer to DBS Bank 033-021741-2 or via PayNow

All membership applications will be subjected to approval by SDSC’s Board and we will notify the status of all applications via writing.


Form to fill to become an individual member

Form to fill to become an ordinary or associate member

Member Benefits

CriteriaIndividual Member Associate member Ordinary Member
Voting rightsNoNoYes
Eligible to stand for elections YesYesYes
Special member rates for SDSC event / workshop fees YesYesYes
Exclusive member invitations to SDSC events / discussionsNoYesYes
Free consultation and customised support extended to members for organisation of para sports events, e.g. loan of equipment, programme funding (applicable for Ordinary and Associate members) NoYesYes

Membership Fee


Cost per annum

Individual Member


Associate Member


Ordinary Member


Suspended and Terminated Affiliates


Effective date of their suspension/termination

Singapore Leprosy Relief Association (SILRA)

24 November 2023