[SDSC Directive] Non-essential Training Programmes and Activities to be Put on Hold Under Phase 2 (Heightened Alert)


Issued: 18 May 2021 [Updated 4.30pm]

SDSC Directive: Non-essential Training Programmes and Activities to be Put on Hold Under Phase 2 (Heightened Alert)

  1. The Ministry of Health (MOH) issued an advisory on 14 May 2021, titled “Updates on Local Situation and Heightened Alert to Minimise Transmission”. Additionally, Sport Singapore (SportSG) has also issued an advisory on 14 May 2021 and updated on 18 May 2021, titled “(Updated as of 18 May 2021) Further Stricter Safe Management Measures for Sport and Physical Exercise & Activity (16 May to 13 June 2021)”.
  1. With the rising number of community COVID-19 cases driven by a more contagious strain of the COVID-19 virus, the Singapore Disability Sports Council (SDSC) will put non-essential in-person training programmes and activities on hold, with effect immediately. This directive will last until 13 June 2021 (inclusive), in alignment with Phase 2 (Heightened Alert), and extends to programmes organised by National Disability Sports Associations (NDSAs). 

Athletes Preparing for Major Games May Continue In-Person Training, Subject to Conditions

  1. SDSC recognises that a small number of athletes are preparing their participation or qualification for upcoming major games, such as the Tokyo 2020 Paralympic Games and the 11th ASEAN Para Games. SDSC will work with NDSAs and coaches to deliver in-person training for these athletes, subject to training essentiality, individual vulnerability, environmental safety and safe management measures. 
  1. This, however, shall not apply to youth athletes aged 18 and below. Due to increasing cases of youth being infected at schools, tuition centres and student care facilities, the Ministry of Education (MOE) has directed that sport programmes for youth aged 18 and below are to be suspended or moved online. Please view MOE’s advisory issued on 18 May 2021, titled “Suspension of In-person Private Tuition and Enrichment for Students Aged 18 and Younger from 19 May 2021 to 13 Jun 2021” and MOE’s FAQs here. In-person training shall thus not be implemented for youth athletes aged 18 and below in all instances.

Alternative Training Encouraged for Athletes Ceasing In-Person Training

  1. All athletes who are ceasing in-person training are encouraged to seek alternative training methods to maintain your physical fitness and mental wellness. Athletes and coaches can approach your NDSA or SDSC to discuss options.

Everyone has a Part to Play

  1. Please refer to go.gov.sg/mohupdates for the latest announcements on COVID-19 developments and measures. If you have any questions, please contact your NDSA or SDSC. Let us all stay vigilant and we will ride through this together.

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